Page name: Mike's Party [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-12 21:45:22
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[To a collection of Photo's from Mike's party on Friday 10th November 2006.. It rocked!!]

Naph's comment: This is [Beki in Wonderland] aka Beki before the party, she went as a vampire!
[Juju's comment: Mwahahaha, mah fangies!! I look like a backwards chav o___O ...Makes sense to me XD]
Atay's comment: Bugger me! I seriously screamed when I first saw Beki like this! Her teeth looked so real!

Naph's comment: This is [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] aka me aka Alex before hand (looking like a mime) I was meant to be a corpse bride kinda thing.
[Juju's comment: Hehe, i love this picture... you're the corpse mime *nods*]
Atay's comment: Oooh! Corpse Alex! Whee! :D

[Juju's comment: Bwahahaha, Alex looks mellow XD]
Naph's comment: Thats coz i was rather mellow we were 2 3rds of the way through the cider and ouzo at that point.. and i was kinda shocked you were taking a photo! xD

[Juju's comment: Aaaand i just look completely smashed...]
Naph's comment: yup.. smashed or insane possibly a bit of both.. i only just realised you're sitting down! o__O

[Juju's comment: Mwahahahaha, MOSH GIRLY, MOSH!!!!]
Naph's comment: yesh i shall! damn my nose looks strange.. o__O hehe flying hair! xD

[Juju's comment: FECK! Where have i gone!?]
Naph's comment: Yeah i took the photo when your head was back nad it flashed just before you disappeared off screen..

[Juju's comment: ...Now i think about it, we were really lucky we didn't smash our heads together doing that XD]
Naph's comment: We so were.. that become our 'thing' it's our personal mosh style!!

[Juju's comment: Both still alive, and Alex is doing her Gene Simmons impersination!]
Naph's comment: Is it my fault my tongue is long and pointy? I was born this way dammit!

[Juju's comment: Mwahaha, it's Nathan.. Drumming... Yeah..]
Naph's comment: yesh.. nathan hates me *nods* but he gave me a hug at the party for some reason o__O He rocks on the drums though.

[Juju's comment: "I never smile *cough, splutter* Must... Not...Smile..." XD]
Naph's comment: aww bless his little cotton socks! He was so sweet and he did attempt a smile.. xD

[Juju's comment: Bwahaha, a new take on the 'from above' emo photos XD Rock on!]
Naph's comment: yup.. but tipsyness meant that we felt the need to bend over double Mr K style and fall over! >.<

Naph's comment: ...Yup... Beki has her face in cake.. it seemed like a good idea at the time! =D
[Juju's comment: Mweheheheee, it was amusing though XD]

Naph's comment: SHAUN!! aka dick on the guitar! ^-^ hehe moppish hair! awww!
[Juju's comment: Wayhay, it's Dick XD Ahhh, he is such a mop, isn't he? XD]

Naph's comment:Freyah and Beki... Beki looks scary frayah looks mellow! xD w00t we got her moshing a bit!
[Juju's comment: Yup, she made an effort and that's all that matters XD ...I do look weird here o__O and drunk, but i look drunk in all of them XD]

Naph's comment:Beki's ear.. drunken photography at it's best! xD
[Juju's comment: Wooo, i rock at drunk photography.. not sure how i managed to get a photo of my own ear though o__O]

Naph's comment: MIKE!! it was his party.. he went as Jesus but he lacked the beard to which he said something like: "Jesus wasn't born with a beard" I guess he's right.
[Juju's comment: Peh, that's no excuse.. he should have had a beard..]

Naph's comment: Rob with a blow up crown! He started the pit i think which surprised me! xD and he hugged me.. which was quite shocking because i thought we hated each other..
[Juju's comment: Yeah, he was being surprisingly nice considering we don't get on at all in school o__O]

Naph's comment: ATAY-CHAN!! *huggles* looking very cool and with it! How come your photo's are so good?
[Juju's comment: w00t! The only person who managed to get tipsy without looking drunk at all XD]

Naph's comment: Beki and Atay (aka holly) aww Beki looks so stoned it's unbelievable!
[Juju's comment: Mweheheheee, i love this pic... i look so out of it XD]

Naph's comment: ANDY!! hehe rock on!
[Juju's comment: I don't actually remember taking this o__O]

Naph's Comment: Steevo - Mike's brother.. looking PISSED!! he took the photo himself.. he gets points for working out how to use the camera! xD
[Juju's comment: I worked out how to use the camera!! I deserve a nobel prize for that... jeez... I think pretty much everyone looked pissed by this point XD]

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2006-11-13 [Beki in Wonderland]: yes, i think unique is the word ^_^ ...and you don't look like an idiotic poo Atay XD

2006-11-13 [Swollenfish]: Oh and...Steevo looks completely destroyed :)

2006-11-14 [Beki in Wonderland]: Stupid thing about that is that he wasn't even drunk at that point o___O

2006-11-14 [Atayemi]: Pretending to be? :O!

2006-11-14 [Beki in Wonderland]: No, just being Steevo i think o___O or possibly pretending, which is a bit n00bish <.< >.> XD

2006-11-14 [Atayemi]: :O J00h stealing my word. ;__;

2006-11-14 [Beki in Wonderland]: which word? <.< >.>

2006-11-14 [Atayemi]: N00b! :O

2006-11-14 [Beki in Wonderland]: oooh, sorry >.< i didn't know it was your word! *Gives your word back* X3

2006-11-14 [Atayemi]: XD Thankoo. :D

2006-11-14 [Beki in Wonderland]: XXD

2006-11-14 [Atayemi]: ^_^

2006-11-14 [Beki in Wonderland]: LMAO at your mood Atay XD

2006-11-14 [Atayemi]: XD He's so gay!

2006-11-14 [Beki in Wonderland]: XD ...dougie is the quiet emo-ish one right? If it's the one i'm thinking of, then he doesn't look much like him o___O

2006-11-14 [Atayemi]: Aye he is. -.- Nope, he doesn't.

2006-11-14 [Beki in Wonderland]: XD he is a twit sometimes XD

2006-11-14 [Atayemi]: Change the i to an a and you're 100% perfectly right. Lmao.

2006-11-15 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: ... i have no idea what i've just walked in on but i might have to turn around and walk back out again.. o__O meh i'm so bored i'm loosing the will to live.. ¬.¬

2006-11-15 [Atayemi]: O.o?

2006-11-15 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: don't ask.. i'm not entierly sure myself.. dammit! I'm going for a walk in the rainy darkness...

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